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Best Finance Audiobooks

If you’re an investor seeking to master the stock market, or simply trying to get your personal financial affairs in order, knowledge is power. The best audiobooks on finance can help you understand a lot about money and the stock market. The best thing about audiobooks is that it can learn while doing other thingslike taking a drive to work, cooking meals for the week, or emptying out your disgusting compost bin.

Audible provides a wide selection of finance and investment audiobooks, covering topics ranging from wealth creation to investment strategy. Benjamin Graham’s The Intelligent Investor is a classic investment audiobook. It provides a fundamental understanding of analysis and is a must listen for investors. Another classic personal finance book, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad, provides a practical guide for building wealth and financial independence.

If you’re looking to listen to an audiobook about the stock market that will amuse you, then consider listening to Michael Lewis’s Liar’s Poker. It tells the tale of his experience on Wall Street. It’s a story of egos, testosterone and pure greed. It makes for an enjoyable listen.

You can also try David Bach’s Get Rich Slowly or best finance audiobooks Vicki Robin’s goal-setting Your Money or Your Life. Or, if you’re interested in understanding the new forces at work in the market for stocks, look through our collection of audiobooks about the most recent financial trends and movements -such as AI and algorithmic trading.