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Wedding Practices in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is a country abundant https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/st-valentine-s-day with exciting beliefs. The ones that surround the bride can be quite humorous, moving, and completely different from the traditional eastern service. While filming celebrations in Bulgaria, I had the opportunity to witness a few of them.

One of the most distinctive Bulgarian ceremony customs is known as “gelina.” It’s where the groom goes and steals his wedding from her relatives residence, taking her to his own house. It’s thought that this ceremony will defend against bad feelings and send fine fortune for the newlyweds.

The couple will typically attend a large reception in a restaurant or other venue following the ceremony ( or both ). Their mothers likely transfer modest pieces of the traditional round bread dipped in salt and honey before going in. The first item is salt to inform them of the challenges their relationship will present, and the second is sweet, which serves as a reminder of the beauty that will also be present in their life collectively.

The “kumove,” two people who serve as the couple’s most important friends and mentors, are another crucial component of the wedding bulgarian girl, making their role as their relatives and instructors. They will guide them in their upcoming lives up and link them through the challenging days.

When the greeting begins it’s time for a lot of dance. The dance starts with the best male and finest girl. The bride and groom dance a few times, which is typical, to get their extremely wonderful wedding cake.