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OS:Path Free Version

Os: Path Free Version is a modern teaser match developed by the indie activity theater, Skyline Games. The game takes place in a world where people no longer interact with one another physically and only use technology. Athletes assume the role of a sentient Ai who must navigate the modern world in order to retrieve important files while avoiding challenges and foes. With its unique game mechanics and persuasive plot, Os: Path is a must – enjoy for puzzle game fans.

  • Operating-system: Path Free Version Computers
      • Graphics and Sound
    • Features
    • System Requirements
      • Minimum
      • Recommended

The gameplay in Os: Path revolves around puzzle – solving and exploration. The game is divided into rates, with each stage featuring a various obstacle that people may overcome to improvement. The issues range from simple multitasking jobs to difficult puzzles that require careful plotting and strategy.

Operating system: Path Free Version Laptop

The show’s key locksmith is the use of paths, which people use to navigate through the amounts. Paths are lines that players draw on the screen, representing the Ai’s actions. The Ai may observe these pathways to reach its destination, avoiding impediments and foes along the way. Gamers may bring these paths carefully, taking into account the landscape and obstacles they will experience.

There are many enemies and impediments in the game, each with their own special skills and flaws. For instance, some enemies can only be defeated by leading them into traps, while some require people to apply their brains to beat them.

The game’s storyline is set in a distant prospect where humanity has abandoned the physical globe and moved into a digital one. Gamers assume the function of an Ai responsible for gathering important information for their animal makers. Nonetheless, stuff quickly go right, and the Ai is confronted with formidable foes and unanticipated difficulties.

As people progress through the activity, they uncover the truth behind the Ai’s design and its role in the larger tale of humankind’s change to the modern earth.
The storyline is told through well – crafted duologue and sequences, which add breadth and meaning to the tournament’s puzzles and challenges.

Melody and pictures

Os: Path features stunning visuals and graphics, with an arts fashion that blends futuristic elements with a minimalist layout. The show’s surroundings are richly detailed, with vibrant colors and dynamic light effects. The personality styles are also well – crafted, with each persona having a unique character and appearance.

With a dynamic music that adapts to the tournament’s mood and pace, the sound effects and music enhance the overall engaging experience. The audio results are also well – crafted, adding to the tournament’s sense of tension and threat.


    Path – drawing mechanics: The show’s key locksmith is the use of roads, which athletes use to guide the Ai through the amounts. Gamers must carefully pick these pathways to evade impediments and enemies and reach their destination.

  • Exclusive obstacles and foes: Os: Path features a variety of obstructions and opponents, each with their own distinct abilities and weaknesses. Athletes must use their brains to beat these obstacles and defeat their enemies.
  • Compelling storyline: The tournament’s plot is effectively – crafted and adds degree and meaning to the game’s puzzles and challenges. Gamers uncover the truth behind the Ai’s creation and its position in society’s shift to the modern world.
  • Beautiful graphics and animations: The game’s vivid colors, energetic lighting effects, and expertly crafted character designs enhance the immersive nature of the game.
  • Immersive tone architecture: The show’s energetic soundtrack and expertly crafted sound effects heighten the atmosphere of tension and peril.
  • Os: Path is playable on a variety of platforms, including Windows, macos, and Linux.
  • Humble program requirements: The game’s system requirements are somewhat moderate, making it accessible to players with older or lower – end computers.
  • Replayability: The activity features many degrees, each with their own special difficulties.
    To raise their score or find new ways and answers, players can record levels.
  • Customer – created material: The game features a amount editor that allows participants to create and share their own levels with the area.

System specifications


  • Os: Windows 7 or newer, os 10.12 Sierra or newer, or Ubuntu 16.04 or new
  • Intel Core i3 – 6100 or a similar processor
  • Ram: 4 Gb Computer
  • Visuals: Intel hd graphics 520 or relative
  • Storeroom: 1 Mbps applicable room


  • Os: Ubuntu 18.04 or newer, or Windows 10, macos 10.15 Catalina.
  • Computer: Intel Core i5 – 6600 or equivalent
  • 8 Gb of ram
  • Design: Nvidia Geforce Gtx 1050 or comparative
  • Safe-keeping: 1 Megs attainable space